Thursday, November 17, 2011

Moments in Time

This is my moment in time ♥ So I will Live in it ♥ To the best of my Ability ♥ 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Learning to Listen Daily

Each new day offers me new lessons- How to Listen to the messages -that seem to flow -into my field of understanding.  As I become more aware of this new place, I honor and receive all it has to offer, in this moment.  I am forever grateful ♥

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Listening To The Heart

 Listening to the call upon my heart I am finding myself in a new and fabulous world.  A place where True hearts meet.  When I live from my heart and out of my heart, I am lead easily to the truth of who I am, and who I am to become.  I am forever grateful to the yearnings, and the call that was placed within my heart from a very young and tender age. 

It is in listening that I learn, it is in listening that I know and understand ♥

Today I am grateful for my life ♥ For the people who are showing me that Love is....Love ♥ Unconditional and Loving, from Love flows a river of Life that forever soothes the brokenness that once was ♥

I am taking this message of listening to its full potential ♥

My heart matters, and listening to it, will honor my life ♥

That's why I was born ♥